My Fish Oil Experiment
I've spent the last 8 months running a sustained self-experiment on fish oil supplements. Here are the results.
Replacing Controller Mixins with Services
How to use Rails services to extract shared behaviors out of controllers. This helps to keep your controllers light on logic, self-documenting, and free of tangled dependencies.
What is Logic
I studied logic. Now I write software for a living. This confuses some people. What is logic? How is it related to computers? This is how I understand it.
Buying Ethereum on Coinbase
How to buy ether through Coinbase's GDAX digital currency exchange.
The Single Responsibility Principle, Part 1
How I fail to understand it and you can too.
Breakpoints in Ruby and Elixir
Knowing how to set and interact with breakpoints in a language is crucial to efficient debugging. Here's a side-by-side comparison of breakpoints in Ruby and Elixir.
How to not use a Mouse on OSX
Using a mouse is almost always an avoidable waste of time. Here's how I get by without one.
Deploy and Host a Ruby App Running Non-Web Processes
Most ruby apps use web frameworks such as Rails or Sinatra, and thus are deployed and hosted to run web servers. I recently had the need to host something out of the norm: a plain-old ruby app running non-web processes. I did it using capistrano, foreman, upstart, and monit. Here's...